Mentoring with Tony.
Become the photographer you want to be. Learn from someone you trust.
It’s your time.
Mentoring is for those craving serious growth. You’ve reached a plateau and want real answers from someone who really “gets” you as a photographer. Someone who can push you to be your best while being compassionate and honest. If this sounds like just what you’ve been searching for, you’ve come to the right place.

“As a mentor, Tony acts as an experienced guide and advisor. He’s helped me create stronger images. By seeing my work through Tony’s eyes, I’ve gained confidence in my artistic abilities. This mentoring program is one of the most valuable photography learning experiences I’ve ever had.”
Make real strides.
You Dream it.
Let's face it; you want to dream a little bigger. Or, maybe you have been dreaming bigger but feel a little lost on how to reach those photography goals and dreams. You know what photographers you love and admire, yet you're lost on how to make that kind of magic yourself. That's where Tony comes in. With his vast experience and knowledge, he can guide you every step of the way and help you reach your dreams. Let Tony be your guiding light; you don't have to go it alone.
We make it happen together.
Whatever your dream is. Let’s go after it together. We’ll start with what really matters to you. What you love, who you want to emulate, and then Tony will break it all down into bite-sized pieces. He’ll lead you down the right path. You’ll get answers to all of your burning questions, and at the end of 8 months, you’ll emerge a new photographer.

“Tony is a gifted photography teacher and mentor, a rare gem in the world of photography. He meets you exactly where you’re at with your photography and takes you to levels you never dreamed were possible.”
Let’s Break it down/
Mentoring one on one with Tony is a pretty cool experience. Here's a good idea of what you are in for.
First things first, when you’ve got someone who is invested in your work, your progress, and your vision, it keeps you moving forward instead of chasing your tail and repeating bad habits. This process gives you purpose and holds you accountable to be photographing on a regular basis. You get feedback on your work, so you’re not creating in a vacuum. Start clarifying what it is you have to say as an artist and whether or not you’re communicating effectively.
Guess what? Tony is going to see all of your frames. Yep, every single one of them. Why? Well, there is no better way to gain better insight into how you think, how you worked the scene, what you tried, what you didn’t try, or maybe what you should have tried a little bit longer. This information will help inform what path Tony will take you in your sessions together so you can reap the maximum benefit and quickly push past any hurdles you have.
Every session together is accomplished with a complete understanding of who you are and what you’re trying to achieve, so feedback is very specific to you and your needs. What you learn and explore during your time together will serve you now and build a robust framework that will benefit you in the long run.
Tony’s goal is to help you become the best version of yourself as a photographer. He will see you long before you see yourself in your work, threading together your current work with the qualities in the work you love and desire to emulate. Keeping you focused on what matters most is of the utmost importance. He will ask you hard questions and help you to clarify your intent so your images are well-received and clear. He will encourage you to play, take risks, and turn an unconscious process into something purposeful, effective, and that sparks joy.
You may think you know the rules of photography or feel you don’t. Either way, we will flip those traditional ideas and teach you a whole new process. The HERO process, that is. You see, you need much more than rules; if all those rules worked, everyone would be a great photographer. You need to know what really matters in a photograph so that your work is better than good. Your work is compelling. Your work matters.
If you're willing to put in the time and effort, working together for eight months will undoubtedly take your photography skills to the next level. We'll meet once a month for a two-hour block of time, giving you the opportunity to ask any questions and receive feedback on your recent work. We'll cover both the technical and aesthetic aspects of photography, including creative techniques, personal style, vision, and post-processing. By the end, you'll have an enhanced and defined personal portfolio of work.
8-Month Mentorship $5200
If you feel like mentoring with Tony is a good fit for you, take a moment to fill out your application.